
We are proud to announce that Verstegen Spices & Sauces B.V. was granted a gold medal of the EcoVadis CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) rating.


Information about the EcoVadis certificate


The EcoVadis methodology is at the core of our CSR analysis system, which covers 21 criteria on four themes of Environment, Fair Labour Practices, Ethic/Efair Business Practices and Supply Chain. The methodology is built on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000, and covers 190 publishing categories and 150 countries.

This methodology has been applied synchronously with the other components of the EcoVadis process to provide reliable results and a great experience, including

– account management
– supplier onboarding
– training
– consulting
– integration and custom IT services
– partners

The Software-as-a-Service model, on which the EcoVadis platform is built, provides full functionality meeting the needs of the largest companies.

Our secure systems are hosted in private, dedicated Cloud installations on the latest technology operating platform and support the highest standards of security and data integrity. Our software team continuously improves both the platform and the user experience, so that buyers and suppliers can both be involved and get the value they are looking for, collaboratively and intuitively.


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